Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Our FAVORITE time of the day!

If we could have read aloud time all day, I  would teach it in a heartbeat! It is our FAVORITE time of the day.  It's the one time of the day where we can  unwind after recess and lunch, but also keep our minds working. We have to be VERY flexible day-to-day in third grade with everything going on around us--schedule changes, school convocations, testing, etc. Sometimes we double-up on subjects, rearrange things to make our schedule work, take some things out and move it to the next day, but the one time of day we don't mess with is our read aloud time--too many sad faces for my heart to handle if I even mention having to possibly skip it! Some of our BEST discussions and light bulb moments occur during this small chunk of time so I am ALWAYS okay with shifting something else around to  make time for read aloud. We recently finished reading The One and Only Ivan, which they LOVED! For our next read aloud, I wanted the kids to be involved in choosing what we read. I chose two different genres of books, Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai and the ultimate classic The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I read the first chapters of each and had them vote on which one they'd like me to continue  reading. Every single student voted The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe which I was thrilled to see since it is such a classic! So many amazing authors and new books come out all the time that we often forget about the oldie but goodies. They are LOVING this book so far and even beg me to read a little bit at the end of the day too! Here's what our read aloud time looks like each day....
We always do a quick recap of what happened in the story the day before using these fun story cards! Each story card has an important character or object that's significant to the story. The kids LOVE holding the cards throughout read aloud time, but they must share how their card is important to the story before getting to hold it. I love this because it tells me who truly understands the story.

Time to read the next chapter! During this time students REACT to the story by making predictions and asking and answering questions.
Every couple of chapters, students illustrate and write a quick blurb of the most important parts of the story. Illustrations are then chosen to be added to our story timeline. The kids LOVE this part! It's also a fun activity for our visual learners!

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